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Biodentistry via Dr. Chavez to remove amalgams

From the writings of Weston Price, Dr. Hulda Clark, Barefoot Herbalist; they all say no metals in the mouth.  Bugoy had 4 quarters of his teeth patched up with amalgam fillings.  That is some 40% mercury.  The regular dentists say amalgams are harmless.  Wrong you mis-educated people.  That is why we are going to better educated dentists called biodentists.  The biodentist’s calling is to correct what the regular dentists have done: replace amalgams properly, safely and remove root canaled teeth.

Bugoy already removed 1 quarter of his amalgams before with Dr. Gaba.  But due to lack of funding and probably apathy on his part he did not finish remove the 3 quarters still left.  Probably the 3 quarters of amalgams is the mercury still poisoning him.

I printed out the nearby Biodentist Dr. Chavez’ business card and left it with Bugoy.  He says he will go over and have his teeth works estimated tomorrow.  Let’s wait for him to do it.