The best tasting roast duck are the ducks we raised ourselves
The saga of the white ducks in our compound is over. The ducks have all been eaten. They were the best tasting roast ducks we ever had. Also the best tasting raw duck I’ve had. It goes to show that we can raise these ducks on our food scraps and fruit peelings. Imagine all the watermelon and papaya peelings they ate, all those bugs and green grass and papaya leaves and garden herbs. Not once did we ever buy duck feed. The only grain these ducks ever ate was left over organic rice.
The kids enjoyed this education. We had those ducks for some 8 months. At first I bought 4 ducks, 1 male and 3 female for slaughter. The kids found out the females were laying eggs. They thought that was cute so they wanted them to lay more. We ate most of the eggs, best tasting eggs ever! But the kids wanted to see them hatch, so we let some of them hatch. 3 ducklings survived to adulthood.
It was these 3 ducklings who we raised for 6 months in the garden were the best tasting ducks of all. They are not commercial animals, it took them 6 months to slaughter.
Pet attachment? I’ll have none of that. From the start I taught my kids these ducks are food. I compared these ducks to the sheep that all those biblical shepherds tended to… that those shepherds made sure no sheep was lost… because losing sheep was losing FOOD you needed to live on! So the ducks are food.
This afternoon all 3 kids were sitting, watching every bit of the action of slaughtering the last 2 ducks which we ate for dinner. Grandpa said these ducks were so good, we should raise more!