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Gross Clothing Habits and Bathing Habits Corrected by maid

I did a good deal of wet marketing this morning and my in-laws’ long time maid was with me to do her wet marketing as well.  It turned out the turtle hunter texted me to pick up some 6 turtles so we drove far out to the novaliches caloocan border.  This gave us some time to chat.  She reminisced her days with her old lady boss as nannie and clothes washer.

The maid remembered how unhygeinic her old boss was.  Their family habits had them saving and saving water like there’s no tomorrow.

  • They would only take a bath / shower once a week!
  • They would keep on wearing the same clothes for a week!
  • They would wear the same grimy underwear for a week!

That is so gross.  And she described how gross it was washing those undies that at times she just threw them away.

She described how she threatened her old boss that she was not washing grimy underwear anymore, that they should change their undies every day.  That they wore the same clothes all week, that they stinked and needed to bathe more often.

Her old masters did change some ways so the maid stayed on for many years until her old boss became bankrupt due to a family squabble over the business.

More gross recounts… my wife’s family had a foreign exchange student a few years ago, a teenage girl of 16 years old… and that girl changed her grimy underwear only once a week too!!!  It was so gross she and another maid were pointing to each other as to who should wash the foreign exchange students’ undies.

The horror of it all!  Now there’s a clue to why some people are sick.  They have sick habits.

My maternal grandmother taught us to change our undies in the morning and change our undies in the evening.  And to take a shower once or twice a day.  And may I remind you not to use shampoo and only soap the crack of your butt.  Plus your soap must be organic soap.