Why is Aajonus Vonderplanitz such an Great Figure in the Raw Food Movement?
I am an Aajonus Vonderplanitz fan and below is why I think Aajonus Vondeplanitz is great:
Aajonus Vonderplanitz is first and foremost a HEALER.
Aajonus Vonderplanitz has gone around diets and through experience 30+ years with himself and his many patients, he came up with the Primal Diet that for himself and his patients works pretty well.
Aajonus is a self experimentor and tireless researcher.
Even if raw dairy does not work for me, it does work for others.
Aajonus does look into some historical diets, but he cares most is what works today, in the present.
Aajonus has lots of tricks and ideas about how food can be potent medicine.
Aajonus is a very valuable resource of healing information.
In my list of healers, Aajonus is one of the top healers I respect.
It was Aajonus’ books that opened my eyes to the viability of eating raw land animals and to the importance of raw fats and to eat a high raw fat diet.
With Aajonus’ teachings I am able to minimize / eliminate the use of herbal medicine as food is a more potent, safer bet.
In the healing of sick people, nutrition is number 1 and Aajonus’ ideas deliver.
The only reason I stumbled into raw paleo diet is because in my googling i stumbled on Aajonus Vonderplanitz. His name and his writings about raw meat and raw fats was rare a few years ago when the word RAW FOOD was being equated with RAW VEGAN idiocy.
Aajonus writings may have saved many, many, many people from the insanity of RAW VEGANism.
I must repeat and stress on the fact that Raw Veganism is FALSE. In the very short term for over cooked meat proteinized people it will give them a rest, but anything more than a month is just asking for digestive damage and malnutrition leading to more diseases. Only with high amounts of raw fat and raw meat consumption does REMINERALIZATION OF TEETH or the curing of TOOTH DECAY happen.
The problem with RAW VEGANISM is they CANNOT IMAGINE that ANIMAL MEAT must be eaten RAW as well. And in fact a larger amount of RAW MEAT be ideally eaten and only small amounts of raw fruit and raw vegetables must be consumed.
Aajonus Vonderplanitz is the author of 2 books teaching his Primal Diet that helps cure incurable diseases.