Cures for Multiple Sclerosis: Paleo Diet Video Presentation by Dr. Loren Cordain Part 5/7
On October 3 2007, Direct-MS ( ), sponsored a public presentation by Dr. Loren Cordain of Colorado State University on the topic of “The Paleo Diet and Multiple Sclerosis”. Dr Cordain is a leading researcher in the field of the roles that various nutritional factors play in chronic diseases such as MS.
Discussing what pre-agricultural diets are: paleo diets or paleolithic diets because the paleolithic is the old stone age, the era that humans evolved in, the era before the advent of agriculture.
Eat only meat, fat, fruit, and vegetables. Grains are the culprits. Those heavy starch potatoes and pastas and rice and breads and grains and beans are the culprit. Special mention to nightshades as inflammation causing.
But I will let Dr. Cordain do the talking. This is part 5 of 7.