My Children’s Diet is Paleo Diet plus Rice and some Sweet Potatoes
People know me as a raw paleo dieter. I like my food raw everything, raw fruit, raw vegs, lots of raw meat and raw fat. I would like to make a CORRECTION in many peoples PERCEPTION of the dietary practice we follow in our home with my wife and my kids.
They follow a usually COOKED MEAT PALEO DIET plus organic RICE and sometimes KAMOTE. Some may want to call this specific carbohydrate diet.
Their version of PALEO DIET is:
– COOKED land animal meat and sea food
(usually beef, duck eggs, horse, various fish or squid)
– some RARE land animal meat and sea food
(rare beef, rare clams, rare oysters)
– some RAW land animal meat and sea food
(raw eggs, raw fish, raw shrimp, raw clams, raw oysters, sashimi)
– Raw Vegetables juiced
– Raw Vegetables salad, sea weed
– cooked vegetables
Local organic
Notice the absence of intensively farmed livestock. No pork, no chicken, no tilapia, no bangus, no cat fish.
Please read carefully what I wrote about the diet of my wife and the children.
Notice the absence of any other starch other than rice or kamote / sweet potatoes.
Cooking Oil is GHEE or Virgin Coconut oil or animal fat oil like horse fat or beef fat.
All other cooking oils such as vegetable oils are BANNED because we know that the zero cholesterol advertisements are SCAMS, that these corn oils, soya oil, canola oil, and any other hydrogenated oils are super bad for health.
Some approved condiments are onions, ginger, bawang, kikoman fermented and brewed soy sauce, sea salt, freshly ground pepper.
No artificial flavors at all. No flavor cubes, no sachets, no msg.
All packaged nuts are sent to the toaster oven for 5 minutes before eating to kill fungi aflatoxins.
Over the years we had to evolve our diet and to be strict because the kids kept getting sick. Now they don’t get sick anymore. They get sick when they stray or are fed
by aunts and uncles the usual commercial crap.
When the kids are sick, my wife and I agree to put them on 100% RAW PALEO DIET because we have proven every time it gets rid of illness the fastest way.
I cannot force the children to go on raw paleo diet because I have to accept they need to socialize with their peers. But I do temporarily force them when they are sick.