Acid Reflux Remaining Sick Because They are Sloths
I remember posting here a cure for acid reflux for 5 days. I remember teaching the LBC counter man and the my old building landlord the cure for acid reflux for 5 days. I get back to them a couple of weeks later and walah… they did absolutely nothing. They are enduring their pain. They say they don’t have time to buy the herbal colon cleanser Dr. Tam’s Miracle tea, and that they are waiting for a vacation so that their work is not disrupted!
Hooo ha! In the meantime they suffer from the pain and discomfort of acid reflux and continue taking their pointless drugs. They aren’t insane, they are sloths. So they get what they deserve.
Then, there is the other guy who said 900 pesos was too expensive, could I give him some for free?
Unreal. People unwilling to help themselves. I already gave you to the 5 day cure information and you want me to supply you as well? Hell, it isn’t even my product, I have nothing to gain and all the time in the world to lose by spending my time talking to you.
Sloth. Where did I hear that word? Sounds like exactly these kinds of people. And they will get worse.
One thing about my character when it comes to illness is I jump at illness and go for the jugular immediately. I’m allergic to pain and discomfort. I relentlessly go after the cure in the fastest possible time. No let up. No patience. No slothing.
Do you want to get rid of your own acid reflux in 5 days? Click here.