@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Now Fukushima Reactors 5 & 6 Are in Danger! Radioactive Water Needs to be Dumped in the Ocean! - My Family Health Blog

Now Fukushima Reactors 5 & 6 Are in Danger! Radioactive Water Needs to be Dumped in the Ocean!

Japan’s Fukushima disaster is like a bad long script. Everything that can go wrong will go wrong and the worst case scenarios are miniscule compared to reality. The government spokesperson here is all torn up, crying as he reads the report. The report is just bad, very, very, very bad.

Reactors 5 & 6 are being flooded by the f’ing seawater they’ve been using to cool numbers 1-4, and are at risk of losing their cooling systems!

So the Japanese water table underneath Fukushima is all polluted. And that extends to how wide an area? Now the ocean will be polluted, and how long should that radioactive pollution last? And what about the bounties of the sea? Now unfit for human consumption? For how long?

I expect our local fish export prices to go up as Japanese people will opt not to eat local Japanese sea food. I expect high sea food prices. And how about fresh water? Japan will be importing tons and tons of freshwater now. Darn. How does one get into the freshwater exporting business?

Well that’s it, no hamachi sashimi for me in the next few years… if ever.