Depression Cure in 15 Minutes Testimony with Milk Thisle
Great report. Lucky guy. His depression was uplifted in 15 minutes with his intake of milk thisle supplements. It was just what he needed and it came in the right time. He is baffled, he wants to know how this came about. Soberman88 of curezone explains:
So ive been on these forums for months and months trying to figure out the deal with my body. Ive been through every conclusion like adrenal fatigue, candida, thyroid problems, you name it, ive thought of it.
But i think its my liver! Yesterday I took some Milk Thistle for the first time in my life. I thought why not right? I only took 20mg which is small amount. I was amazed! My depression was uplifted within 15 minutes. I had bowel movements which were kind of loose, but thats awesome considering my bowels were frozen before hand. I had more energy and felt great.
Is it possible that the liver can contribute to depression, weight loss, low energy, bad skin, and anything else thats bad for our body? Thats another thing, my skin on my face became slightly more hydrated and not as dry.
Is Milk Thistle really this strong? Im just shocked at what I experienced after years of trying everything! I mean everything. I wasnt absorbing any nutrients, NOTHING. And Milk Thistle in a small amount made me feel this great?!?
Can anybody help on this one?
Klauss explains it:
milk thistle summary:
Hepato-protective: Protects liver cells from incoming toxins, thereby also allowing it to more effectively process and release toxins that are already built up in the system.Hepato-tonic: Strengthens the liver to function more effectively.
Anti-depressant: By helping to move stagnant liver energy.
Demulcent: Soothes and moistens. For both kidney and bladder irritations, as well as mucous membranes and inflammations of the skin and integumentary system.
Laxative: Mildly lubricates the bowels.
I explained it to him this way:
Whatever nutrition that was in the milk thisle you consumed was just what your body needed at that time.
Lucky break for you.
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