Hypoglycemia and Corona, the Attack seems to be very Real
I am a disinterested party in this Chief Justice Corona impeachment proceedings. What I am commenting here is the medical condition of the Chief Justice Corona. That he was a long term diabetic and hiding it would be pretty common. A lot of government officials are themselves on medication. Which lets me think how incompetent our government is being run by a good percentage of pharmaceutical drug junkies… people in poor state of health and poor state of mind.
Back to Corona and his hypoglycemia attack. It takes one to know one. I used to suffer from hypoglycemia attacks myself. For a long time, and I didn’t know what it was back then. What I know was what my grandmother would tell me about the big intestine eating the small intestine. Or why close to each meal or if I skip a meal I would start shaking and feel faint and have cold sweats. I see that was hypoglycemia. When my blood sugar would spike up and down. Eat rice, or some super sweet fruit, or bread and feel fine, only to feel bad later on… when the blood sugar drops.
Corona was understandably under extreme stress, especially during that publicly viewed impeachment hearing. It was completely understandable how that could have happened. And how he just wanted out immediately lest he collapse on the spot. That happened to me while playing tennis, I excused myself hurriedly, went to my car and lied down to recover.
As far as how dangerous further impeachment proceedings are to Corona’s health? Of course if he is like your common MD faithful, drug faithful, he has not heard about paleo diet, or raw paleo diet, or high fat low carb and believes in the food pyramid of high carb low fat. And there is no time enough to change his constitution for the impeachment trial.
So yes, sure, the stress is possibly fatal to Corona’s health. But the public wants blood and live TV trial, and Corona himself wishes to defend himself on trial. I heard Corona will go ahead today against doctor’s orders by signing a waver. Most probably docs will advice him to take some candy. I don’t know if that’s going to be enough.
Apparently there will be more entertainment this afternoon for many people. I’m not interested. I do not watch. I just read my friends’ comments on facebook.
How did I solve my own hypoglycemia? I discovered raw paleo diet, paleo diet, high fat, low carb, and eating some nutritious raw bitter melon and other greens for adequate nutrition. In fact I wrote some websites about this:
http://bittermelondiabetes.com/ and http://bestfoodsfordiabetics.net/