The Most Optimal Evolutionary Original Human Diet May Never Be Found Due To Past Frequent and Recent Cosmic Changes
Before I became a health nut due to our past health challenges, I was an astronomy nut. Now I can see the synergy with which I can bring those 2 interests together. That of the most sought after original optimal human diet. I and fellow practitioners have come close with many different variations of raw paleo diets. But I’m sure many other individuals around the world achieved equally splendid health. For some, it matters that we are guided with principles of going back to our evolutionary roots.
“Evolutionary roots” seems convenient and easy enough, but it seems evolutionary roots and the origins of life on earth and the stability of this solar system, the earth’s orbit, the earth’s atmosphere, our past original sun was not this sun we know now… put things in a wilder more exciting perspective.
What if I told you that it was only in ancient human recorded history that our planet earth had been passed on from several hundreds of years reign or more of it’s original star… Saturn, that our earth may have been recently added to this solar system of the sun and Jupiter. That our ancient ancestors said Saturn was our sun, not this sun… and that records show that our planet’s orbit had only recently stabilized to it’s 365 days today.
Did you ever wonder why the much older Chinese calendar relies on the moon? Why our western calendar relies on the sun? Why both are pretty recent calendars? And that this western calendar has changed it’s year length in very recent times?
It’s a very very long story. One all of us should be interested in. I present to you Saturnian Cosmology by Jno Cook. where he compares global myths and recorded history and makes sense of all of them… being careful to acknowledge the works of other giants before him and his peers. (Who I’ve read too, by the way… this all connects with the Electric Universe and plasma cosmology.)

So how does this connect with health? Tons of connections.
1. What if for several times and periods, earth was under the plasma discharge protection of Saturn? (and not this sun)Â The planet would have a different atmosphere, water, temperature, concept of day and night, energy, and evolutionary directions.
2. What if the earth living conditions have changed wildly and frequently enough during the evolution of human beings? That the current stabilization of planetary orbits are a very recent phenomenon of less than 2,000 years?
In the so called evolutionary scale, every concept of an original human diet we should have evolved in seems to have been thrown out the window. That the species available, the air we breath, the water around us, the seasons could all have changed so much so fast.
Did you know that the Buytenko method for relieving asthma involves breathing exercises to slow down breathing to allow your lungs to create more carbon dioxide because the theory is that the current atmosphere’s carbon dioxide levels are too low, our human breathing mechanism has adapted to actually create more carbon dioxide from the air we breath before infusing the air into our blood?
What we can rely on for health seems to be more recent recorded history, such as those of Weston A Price with healthy natives on their native diet. Such as those of the western explorers who landed on remote lands and recorded what healthy natives ate merely a few hundreds of years ago.
Which leads me to think that maybe the healer Aajonus Vonderplanitz may be correct that it may be pointless to try and re-enact what paleolithic peoples ate and lived because of all of the reasons above. That the living conditions were different, that the foods available were different.
Yes of course, we need to find out what works now, today with what is available. What we can buy, what we can grow, what we can get our hands on today.
Maybe I can give my inputs to the cosmological theorists to investigate records of human diets during those older times and give them our raw paleo diet concepts so that could be added to the mix of things they may find time to investigate.
We raw paleo dieters, as long as we can afford the really good foods have found immense health and stability for ourselves and helped others even temporarily. We are convinced we have found the cure for most of the allegedly incurable diseases… from a myopic western pharmaceutical perspective… and that we may have found something close to the fountain of youth.
Internet technologies have made comparative mythology and plasma physics discussions possible… such as Saturnian Cosmology. And the same internet technologies have made global comparisons of healthy diets possible… have made the global raw paleo diet community possible. Seems I will need to visit the message boards of the Saturnian Cosmologists and throw in our health angle. Could be interesting, could be of use in our insatiable thirst for knowledge.