Spicy Salmon Skin Thailand Brand tastes Toxic!
We were on a long trip and going home from Anvaya cove. We had eaten all the food we brought with us. We were on zero food. The kids were very hungry. We passed by a Shell station just after the Dau exit and tried to find something the kids could snack on.
My 8 year old boy suggested spicy dilis. Whole little fish, that seemed a good “healthy” snack albeit cooked. But there was none in the Select store. The other thing they had was spicy salmon skin. I’m thinking probably it has good fat in it. Paid 155 pesos for it.
Kids wanted to have a go at it but I said that just like any new food, parents must taste the food first before giving it to the children. I tasted it. Immediately had an MSG rush in my tongue. Then toxic cooked fat… whatever fat that was… it was immensely toxic I reviled this junk food. My 2 boys wanted to taste it for themselves. They did have a bite each and thumbed down at it just like I did. Down it went to the trash can. It was a unanimous decision.
No wonder Spicy Salmon Skin Thailand brand is left on the store shelves at Select… it sucks! I suggest Select to get a clue and not sell this item any more. Just sell more spicy dilis!