Looking at more raw animal fats and meats for our children
My wife and I have been evaluating our children and for the past number of years they have been growing on cooked rice, cooked and raw vegetables, raw fruit and some cooked fish does not seem to be working for them. Why do I say this? They’re smaller than their cousins. Well of course the parents of those cousins are much bigger than us in the first place. But my 6 year old has some tooth decay and crowding teeth. Not a good sign.
Now that I’m raw, the menu is getting more raw as the days go by. The children have tried seared beef (raw inside), raw milk, raw egg, raw tuna, raw salmon, , raw dilis, raw tangigue, more raw fruits, more raw vegetables… It’s time I looked at the Paleolithic Diet, the Wai Diet and Weston A Price studies about successful and healthy people. One thing we lack is fat. Raw fat. I ordered raw butter which is ready by Thursday.
I love the feel of the shift coming. It is time I took on lessening the rice from their meals and putting more paleolithic meat on the table. You should have seen my little carnivorous children lap up the seared / raw bloody beef for the first time. I think they liked it much more than raw salmon or raw tuna. Any new raw thing lights up their eyes. Raw organic cow’s milk they had for the first time this morning.
My wife seems to be agreeing with this direction. Tomorrow I hope our cook is back.
I’d like to explore cow tongue, cow bone marrow and bone broth, cow liver… but fresh organic goats are always easier to come by.
I want the kids to try raw goat with vinegar, you know, kinilaw goat. Goat in Manila is always good. Goat is absolutely organic, grass fed, all the time, and freshly killed in the morning or on the spot. I would really like some seared or raw goat liver. But they always sell it with the innards to make soup. I know what I’ll do… I will separate the raw liver from the soup. Put it in the blender and into a bowl. When the soup is served hot, the raw liver is scooped with a serving spoon directly in the soup. Yummy fresh and nutritious. This sounds great just reading this post.
For those who need to know, we are going in the direction of the raw / cooked paleolithic diet. (I’m staying raw, the kids need transitioning so they will eat cooked stuff).  Paleolithic diet is like some fruits + animals. It is the time before agriculture. When agriculture came, humans became sickly, short and ugly. We already banned bread a long time ago. Recently we banned nightshades: tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, bell peppers. What will be markedly lessened on the menu will be grains such as rice, peanuts, pasta, pancit. We will be increasing animal fat intake, the good fats, the filling fats, the healing fats.  Oh yes there are healing arts that use raw animal meat and raw animal fats. In this case we will be healing and growing.