The germ theory is wrong the environment theory in my own words
The conventional germ theory is wrong. Quite easily proven because I cure people nowadays on a regular basis with such predictability. So what are the germs that western medicine has been fascinated about so much and that specific drugs are made to kill those germs?
Germs are the garbage men. They take out the trash. The germs I am referring to are the human body’s own self generated germs. Living in every cell in our body are microzymas as termed by PH Miracle author Robert Young. These microzymas evolve into any form needed to take out the trash. Microzymas become viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungi. These are different from parasites. Parasites are not owned by the human body. Parasites are protozoans, worms, flukes, etc.
Western medicine describes symptoms and brands these symptoms as a disease. A disease is a shortcut name for a collection of symptoms they “think” form a disease. A blood analysis might show viruses, bacteria or fungi. These are our own microzymas evolved to be garbage men at work. Certain toxins require certain garbage men so microzymas evolve or devolve to whatever is needed. When a person has a fever, he is fighting an infection, his body makes those garbage men to clean up the toxins. Say a poison was inserted via a mosquito bite, say toxic, acid forming food was ingested and not expelled immediately, say the colon is constipated and the body is forced to break down backed up trash.
This is why the doctors who cure the incurables always begin with the colon. Usually, clearing, unconstipating the colon plus some fasting and good easy to digest food like fruits will cause a chain reaction with the kidneys unconstipating, the liver unconstipating, and everything else clearing.
The germs? They evolve and devolve at will to clean up the trash, whatever trash it is. So epidemics or infectious diseases are more akin to mass poisoning, maybe through the air, water or food supply. The people exhibit the same germs because their bodies made those germs to clean up the same garbage.
So all those talk about dormant germs… throw them down the flush. Dormant parasites yes. Parasites are everywhere, their eggs, their various stages. That is an established science. Parasites can be kept under control via a clean colon as well, their greatest fear is being flushed out regularly. Parasites can also be kicked out via parasite cleansers.
I would not worry about germs. I would be worried about junk food, poisons, constipation and parasites.
This is why western pharmaceutical medicine is wrong. Their whole basis for pharmaceuticals is wrong. Their germ theory is wrong. You get rid of the garbage men and the trash remains. More garbage men spring up.
Western medicine targets cancer cells as the enemy. Viruses and bacteria are the enemy. Please, they are the human body’s own garbage men. Just detoxify the body and the garbage men will go away and clean up the rest of the mess. Human cured.
Addendum: Where does PH Balancing, Acid / Alkaline balance come into play? The way I read it, Robert Young seems to say to eat mostly, some 80% alkaline foods to be always in the healing range. To me, as long as you are eating raw food, it is alkalizing, even if it is raw meats as long as it is raw fatty. As for other things that affect alkalinity, the PH people say the nurturing things are alkalizing like good breathing, exercise, happy thoughts, the flipside is acid forming. I do mono meals and over the years I’ve proven to myself that raw fruits are far superior to raw vegetables. I realize Dr Robert Young fans are vegetable fans, just prepare your vegetables properly.