If cancer is a fungus then this should be my cancer cure protocol
Other hobby healers, chime in. I’m trying to optimize my cancer cure protocol on my new website cure manual for the speediest possible results to save more lives from the scourge of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.
Recently I was given a link to an american doctor who hosted an italian doctor who used a tiny camera to show that tumors are in fact fungal mounds, fungal infections. So they get into a ridiculous conversation that they should be inserting catheters and blasting baking soda all over the fungus wherever they may find it. Correct observation wrong solution.
So we hobby healers should give them a push in the right direction.
We’ve heard the theories: sugar feeds cancer, cancer is characterized by fungus overgrowth.
Fungus, Candida, Yeast, all the same. Brought about by imbalance of good flora. Most probably good bacteria eliminated by antibiotics and other medication.
The most effective anti-candida, anti-yeast, anti-fungus detox protocol is the virgin coconut oil detox protocol. Bar None so far. VCO detox is fast, safe, and lets food be your medicine. All you need is distilled water, rock salt, lemons, virgin coconut oil. Therefore doing a couple of days of VCO detox should get rid of all yeast, candida, fungus.
Add an anti-candida diet. Where your fuel source is not sugars. Your fuel or energy source are fats. Coconut meat, extra virgin olive oil, raw animal fats, partly cooked animal fats. Some none so sweet fruits.
Of course you add all the usual detox methods like colon cleanses, kidney cleanse, liver flush, intestinal cleanses, parasite cleanse. Proper drainage. Zero constipation.
Do your pollution avoidance. Do your nutritional thing. Do your nurturing thing: sunlight, fresh air, de-stress, etc.
Cancer cured. Ta daaahhh!
Experts chime in please.
Update: See my cure for cancer page at www.CureManual.com