10 Anthroposophic Medicines A Day? Let’s Try to Replace that with a Raw Paleo Diet.
This morning I got to see just how much anthroposophic medicines my 9 year old boy has been taking. 10 anthroposophic medicines. In a big chart of a schedule. Taking in 1 after the other after waking up. Last night he was breathing through a nebulizer and prior to that had a steam bath. This medicine cocktail looks so weird to me. A sane raw paleo diet should banish the need for such a cocktail.
I had talked with my wife and she had agreed to put our son on full raw paleo diet. He will have to go through transitioning again with searing or ceviche style with vinegar or lemon or calamansi. I got some durian last night and got a pineapple, he likes these fruits. We’ve got a lot of horse in the refrigerator at the moment. Last night, he liked the seared horse with sea salt and freshly ground pepper.
I will have to work and monitor my little boy closely and find a raw paleo diet plan for him that will be easy for him to follow whether at home or in school and whether I am with him or not with him.