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Virgin Coconut Oil Detox Plus Humaworm Dewormer and Coconut Meat for Tapeworms

I’m doing a massive assault on my tapeworms without the use of drugs. I’ve thought of the drug solution many times, but it is the possible bad side effects of drugs that I keep in mind. You know, drugs that may kill the parasite and the human being host as well… that’s the nastiest scenario. When I know foods and herbs are tons safer. So this weekend I scheduled a virgin coconut oil detox for myself.

On the first day Saturday I began with taking 2 capsules of humaworm.com dewormer. Then took 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil. By 8:30am I took my lemon juice in water with salt. And 30 minutes later my intestines just grumbled and around 9:30 blew everything out. The lemon juice and water with salt just kicked everything out. I was down for the count for some 1 hour. And only until 12 noon was I able to get another 2 tablespoons of VCO.

After several dumps later, my tummy had stopped dumping. Lots of suspect creatures, but not much really. I don’t have any candida or yeast. No like when I had yeast infections in 2006 where I expelled jets of white streaming gunk. Actually no dumping on the 2nd day. I thought I’m clear of candida so I had better do something else since I wasn’t moving my gut anymore…. totally empty. After noon I ate a lot of fresh coconut meat… said to expel tapeworms as well.

I had ordered ground coconut meat so I will eat some of that later and milk some of that later too. And then probably take some 6 capsules of frozen castor oil afterwards with some milk. And I think I will take 4 capsules of humaworm tonight instead of 2. Going in for the kill.

Tomorrow or today I may take the ridiculously simple thing of eating 2 raw tomatoes with salt and pepper for 15 days as suggested in How to Remove Tapeworms from your body.

I have an important meeting tomorrow which means I cannot go on for a 3rd day of this VCO detox. It’s not needed anyway.

For the record, these tapeworms have been good to me, no bad feelings, just the annoying fact that I can see them out my poop and sometimes they just crawl out. Being human, I’d say it’s time to kick their butt.