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Life Insurance and Diabetes: 4 Tips to Save Money

My radar recently picked up the issue of life insurance and diabetes.  Why of course from an insurer’s point of view, life insurance issued to known diabetes sufferers are a big risk.  Their bean counters of course factor in that risk in their life insurance premiums computation and you get expensive payments.  You need life insurance.  You are diabetic.  And you want to save money.  Lower those blood sugar readings.  Without drugs.  Stop being diabetic for the rest of your life.  Your doctor is wrong. Type 2 diabetes is curable.  Not just manageable, curable.

You read that right. I’m telling you, that you can control your blood sugar levels without medication. And you can cure your type 2 diabetes.  And come out much healthier than you ever imagined.

Here are some tips:

1. You need a better diet.  Paleo Diet.  The original human diet before agriculture invented the carbohydrate insanity of sugar, wheat, rice, potatoes, corn and oats.  Gluten free, Dairy Free. Paleo diet.  Maximum caveman performance.  Maximum food satisfaction, with recipes and videos http://paleodiet.co/

2. You need bitter melon.  A fruit.  This bitter fruit is your friend, not your foe.  Eat it as raw fruit, drink it as tea, take it in capsule form.  They will all work.  Secrets of bitter melon fruit for diabetes revealed at http://bitermelondiabetes.com

Be inspired by the engineer de Wayne Mc Culley:

Read about him and his book at http://bittermelondiabetes.com/2011/04/death-to-diabetes-book-by-dewayne-mcculley/

“You mean, you’ve been going out to these meetings, giving lectures, getting people off of their medications for free? So what’s the catch?”

“There’s no catch, I just wanted to share my luck.”

3. You need a new support group, social life – mingle with the winners.  Paleo Diet Support forums.  For cooked paleo diet join http://cavemanforum.com for raw paleo diet join http://rawpaleoforum.com

4. Cure every “incurable” disease you have by reading the free website http://www.curemanual.com and open your eyes to a world of health. Without fear of any disease.

Diabetes and blood sugar is easy to control and cure. You can get rid of your medication fast and forever. You will have good blood sugar readings that will clear of you of diabetes. And your life insurance premiums can be re-negotiated. Then you save money.

You may thank me later when this works for you. Just do it. No procrastination now. Think of all the money you will save. Think of passing all those executive check ups with flying colors of a 20 year old.