Toddler puts peanut in nose!
We had just come home after watching fireworks at the SM Mall of Asia. We were having a late dinner. My 3 year old boy suddenly comes up to me with tears in his eyes asking for his nannie.
I did bring him to his nannie and told him it was nothing for him to cry over. A few minutes later the nannie tells me that my son told her that he has a peanut stuck in is left nostril! What? I immediately dress up and think of sending my son to the nearest community hospital, they can poke it out with their instruments.
My wife was having a massage and I told her the situation. She got up and had a look at our son. Now I remember, my wife has eagle eyes, she checks on our other son when he has ear problems. Sure enough we got a flashlight and I got the ear pick shovel we use for our older boy. With my wife’s sharp eyesight and dextrous hands, out popped the peanut! Whew!
I did not do these things when I was a child, neither did my brothers and sisters. My wife says she didn’t do these things either. Well our first son once stuck an air gun plastic pellet up his nose, and this second son stuck a peanut up his nose!