Doc Sutter says hyperthyroidism caused by parasites
Very interesting opinion from Doc Sutter at in his forum at: Someone asks about hyperthyroidism and this is how Doc Sutter answered: “Hyperthyroidism equals parasites. The amonia from the parasites stimulating the adrenals then of course the thyroid gets hyper. Sooner or later this turns into adrenal...
My cancer patient is sick again because of poverty and bible study
My cancer patient whom I coached April 2007 and seemed strong and cured by November 2007 is sick again. He peed blood again a few weeks ago and the bleeding stopped eventually after 10 days. He didn’t call me. Must not want to hear me say I told you...
My cure protocol for my grandma’s non-walking problem
Here is my analysis and cure protocol for my grandma’s current sick condition. I stress that my grandmother is sick, not old. She is sick because bad habits have caught on with her, not age. My grandmother is a self drugging, drug junkie. She accumulates prescriptions and never sees...
My New book The Cure for All Advanced Cancers has arrived
I ordered from Amazon Dr. Hulda Clark’s book the Cure for All Advanced Cancers. This book is an extension of her more basic book, The Cure for All Cancers. She does not dwell on the old book, she assumes you have that other book. She dwells on topics for...
What it means to be cured forever
Recently, the cancer patient I helped last year was peeing blood again. Seems he was shy or ashamed to call up. I heard about it through rumors so I called him up directly and he said that happened 12 days ago. Uh huh… so why didn’t he call for...
Multiple Sclerosis is curable, Multiple Sclerosis is NOT an auto-immune disease
Recently, a funny sounding disease name came to my attention. It is Multiple Sclerosis. As usual, the current dominant medical empire says it is an auto-immune disease and is incurable. My eyes rolled again. Auto-immune my *toot*. First of all a disease name is given to a collection of...
Grandma wants to go to the beach, wants no more doctors
Grandma declined my offer to visit Dra. Divina Hey Gonzales once again. She doesn’t want to visit any doctor. I asked if she wanted to visit other doctors, maybe one of her grandchildren can recommend one. She said no, she said she will just get her magnesium deficiency from...