Parasite cleansing / deworming started April 25 on my 6 year old boy
I have an extra bottle of Barefoot Herbalist MH’s dewormer and after finishing last month on myself and my 4 year old boy, it was time for my 6 year old to have him dewormed. He enjoys the sipping… we call the dewormer, sip don’t gulp, as barefoot instructed....
Raw beef eating children enjoy tender top round cut for health
Since January 2008 I’ve been on a raw paleolithic diet. From a raw fruitarian diet in December 2007, then switching to a somewhat Wai Diet on January 2008 with the addition of raw fish and raw egg yolks. Then around march I wanted to expand my taste buds to...
My Raw Oysters Experiment, the results are in, immediately!
Today I experimented with raw oysters. I bought 2 kilos of large oysters at the Marikina market. I had 1 kilo for lunch and 1 kilo for dinner. Of course when you open them up, they are just half a bowl full each time. Pretty cheap, 40 pesos per...
Aquatic Ape Theory explains human need for large amounts of organic iodine
Iodine deficiency is a recognized human concern. The problem is the supplementation being done to add this to table salt is a chemical. This is not organic. Thus poisonous. The ocean waters have traces of iodine, thus salt from dried ocean water should contain organic iodine. All forms of...
I have stopped taking all vitamins and minerals because raw food works better
For those who may be reading my blogs you will notice a total absence of discussions about specific vitamins or specific minerals. I don’t like analyzing isolated vitamins or supplements. In my self experimentation, all the supplements and vitamins failed me. The best results I get is with true...
Aquatic Ape Theory Fits in my health and cure theories
The common diseases are easily cured by undoing the mistakes of living. What we need to know are the correct ways of living. Lately I’ve been researching on human history and pre-history. With historical times up to the dawn of agriculture, the neolithic times of only ten thousand years...
What is a zapper? Why should you have one at home?
Every home should have their own zapper. This is the first aid for parasites and infections Zappers operate on plain 9 volt DC power and exterminate parasites, bacteria and viruses. This is how zappers are generally used: Turn on for 7 minutes. Turn off for 20 minutes. Turn on...