Unverified Swine H1N1 Flu Hysteria reaches my childrens’ school – Classes Suspended
The official channels mass hysteria on the swine flu issue has reached my childrens’ school. A parent is noted to have exhibited swine h1n1 flu symptoms and text messages and phone calls flew out yesterday afternoon that classes were suspended for the rest of the week Tuesday to Friday....
Cancer Cured Yahoo Groups: The Wisdom of Mr. Carmi Hazen aka “Comdyne” – The Cure for Cancer has been known for over 100 years!
Hanging out in the cancercured@yahoogroups.com mailing list has its benefits. You get an excited rush when you see and hear the wise words of fellows who actually know how to cure cancer and can best express this eloquently. Perception is important, and how to come across to the sick...
Rational for various Paleo approaches
Interesting topic raised by SkinnyDevil in the Raw Paleo Forum: I see on this forum a wide variety of paleo approaches and in my short time here have already seen hot debate of certain key issues. Zero or low carb, or not low carb. Fatty meats or lean meats....
Raw Vegan Diet cures Lyme Disease Symptoms
Health activist Arnold Kauffman helps his friend Marsha who was recently diagnosed with Lyme Disease. After a 10 Day Raw Food diet Marsha’s symptoms of Lyme Disease disappeared. Watch this video testimonial and be amazed. As usual in the comments on that youtube video there are sour grapes that...
Faith Healing plus Physical Healing may just be a winner for a man with large worm infested boils
It is Saturday and this day is bible study day for my in laws as their troop of faith healers and bible study teachers come for a day long visit. Their teachings are interrupted first thing in the morning with the driver bringing in a neighbor who is sick,...
PR Campaign: Philippine Newspapers, TV and Radio are going nuts over H1N1 Swine Flu
It’s a full blown marketing campaign. It looks like it is very effective. The PR campaign of the drug companies to force the hand of the Philippine government to “invest” in their unproven – experimental – which means potentially DEADLY flu drugs / vaccines. Sure, the commissions and kickbacks...
I just realized that the world has gone nuts. People and Scientists assume humans were meant to eat cooked animal foods.
Being healthy and starting to look buffed on a raw paleolithic diet which involves eating a lot of raw animal food is such a rush. There is that feeling of absolutely glowing health I’ve never felt before in my entire life. It’s like hello, where have you been all...