How I sticked to my raw paleolithic diet at my brother’s wedding
I’m so happy for my brother and his wife they finally got married. Yes, the same brother who almost died of extreme psoriasis 2 years ago as documented in got married yesterday. The reception was a buffet lunch. I sat at the vip table to be served by...
Artificial vitamins and processed supplements are no match for real raw fresh food
There was an opinion made regarding massive dosages of vitamins or supplements needed to activate healing in humans. In my personal and family experience, artificial vitamins do not work. It is real raw fresh food that works, really fast, and you can feel it working. For example, if one...
Instinctive craving for cashews, raisins, and wonderful results with oysters
I have eaten full meals with raw oysters only last Saturday evening, Sunday lunch, Tuesday Lunch. Â Each from different sources. Â The effects seem magically immediate. Â I wake up well rested, with clarity, my vision is getting better – noticeably because of that negative spot beginning to heal immediately on...
I began my 2009 deworming using
This is my 3rd straight year to do deworming. I am alternating between and barefoot herbalist dewormer. This 30 day deworming will be using I began my first dose on Febuary 8, 2009. Prior to that I first used a single dose of Dr. Tam’s miracle tea...
We had pepper steak with beef stock and red wine this evening
This evening is part of our attempt to rid ourselves of the dreaded monotony of soy sauce. I noticed the other week that our cook was making soy sauce based meals 5 times a week. That just bothers me. My children are eating that junk. While I’m all raw...
HPV Vaccine Harms Ashley Ryburn Immensely: She tells the story herself
Ashley Ryburn was a healthy young lady… until she was victimized by the HPV vaccine. She tells you her story personally. She has a video calling out to ask for help. The healers in can help. Please take a good look at Ashley and tell your friends about...
Ancient Mythologies all tell the story of how other Planets affected our earth immensely – affected our health too
The mythologies told by ancient civilizations… their gods… were really the planets. Yes, those itsy bitsy points of light most of us cannot recognize in the evening sky were the planets the ancients were talking about. They told tall tales because those tales actually happened during their time! And...