Must See Movie: FOOD MATTERS, big key to curing ALL DISEASES
“Food Matters” Director James Colquhoun talks to David and Kim about the feature documentary that has been called “the food equivalent of ‘An Inconvenient Truth'”. I’m a raw foodist. I learned about raw food because I used to be really sick and I wanted to not only get well...
California Senate Hearing on Raw Milk – things are heating up
Raw food activists are cooperating and at this point are making progress in California, USA regarding raw milk. Read what Sally Fallon has to say in this latest update: VICTORY IN CALIFORNIA!! We have word just in about the Assembly Health Committee vote in California– unanimous for SB 201,...
My cancer patient is sick again because of poverty and bible study
My cancer patient whom I coached April 2007 and seemed strong and cured by November 2007 is sick again. He peed blood again a few weeks ago and the bleeding stopped eventually after 10 days. He didn’t call me. Must not want to hear me say I told you...
Little girl’s instinct for sun, bathing, play and nutrition
For the past 3 times this week I’ve observed how my 3 year old little girl knows how to have a grand time by herself. She asks for her own bath to be drawn outside in the laundry area where she gets to sun herself at the same time...
If you are sick, unhealthy, fat or underweight, then you must question your health beliefs
I have noticed that when people are physically sick, they are also mentally sick. They have solid formed concepts about health and they think they are already doing their best, and it is just bad luck or age is the reason why they are sick. Hello… knock knock… anybody...
The cure for high cholesterol is liver flushing etc.
The issue about cholesterol causing heart disease and having to avoid fatty / cholesterol laiden foods is one of the main causes of UNHEALTH of today’s people. The mis-educated doctors who spout out these myths have caused unhealth and discomfort to my parents and my in-laws. The artificial lowering...