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Category: Nutrition

Trying to eat enough fats for Homo Optimus Diet proportions

I decided to try to find enough fats without the aid of eggs this week for this low carb high fat diet I’m on.  Plain, unseasoned pork tastes bland.  I like beef better.  But I can see one can go on Homo Optimus Diet on commercial foods.  Say in...

All out experiment on Homo Optimus Diet

The Optimal Diet is a dietary model of human nutrition devised and implemented by Dr. Jan Kwasniewski of Poland more than 30 years ago. After my 3 day orange juice fast, having reset my innards, I’m ready to test the Homo Optimus Diet in earnest. The concept is very...

Little girl’s instinct for sun, bathing, play and nutrition

For the past 3 times this week I’ve observed how my 3 year old little girl knows how to have a grand time by herself. She asks for her own bath to be drawn outside in the laundry area where she gets to sun herself at the same time...

Kinilaw whole tawilis raw fish a big hit with the kids last night

Yesterday afternoon I changed upon fresh tawilis fish and sea weed in the Marikina market.  At only P80 / kilo, that is pretty cheap.  I only need 1/2 kilo as I’m going to be eating them raw, dipped in organic coconut vinegar, ginger and onions, traditionally called “kinilaw.” I...

Grandma wants to go to the beach, wants no more doctors

Grandma declined my offer to visit Dra. Divina Hey Gonzales once again.  She doesn’t want to visit any doctor.  I asked if she wanted to visit other doctors, maybe one of her grandchildren can recommend one.  She said no, she said she will just get her magnesium deficiency from...

Investigating my grandma’s magnesium deficiency

My initial internet research indicates that one of the main causes of magnesium deficiency is a dependence on laxatives. Well, because of my grandma’s chronic constipation, she was always using Dulcolax. And when dulcolax didn’t do the trick, out comes Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea. She has been dependent on...

Grandma almost died. Heart beating disrupted by Magnesium Deficiency!

We had a big scare. My grandmother almost died today. Heart beating disrupted. She wouldn’t wake up while being picked up by the driver. From the nannie’s description, she was pale, her lips darkened, she felt cold, her saliva drooling, and it took them many minutes just to wake...