Children Loved These Medium Sized Raw Shrimp For Dinner
Yesterday the kids and I went wet market shopping at Malabon City and I chanced upon some ocean shrimp. Super expensive. I skipped it first, then went back and gave in. I blew off some money, 500 pesos per kilo for the shrimp, I just bought 1 kilo. Back...
Pushing for Our 9 year Old to go on a Raw Paleo Diet for at Least 6 Months
My wife and I are not satisfied with the body of our 9 year old. We feel he is too thin again. I thought about the tuberculosis cure we did on him last year. 2 months of raw paleo diet. Seared beef is the most cooking, 10 seconds on...
Kids Who Hate Cooked Vegetables: Maybe It’s Bad for Them?
Yo parents! Do your children fit the stereotype that they hate vegetables? Specifically they may hate cooked green vegetables. Do you really think your children are missing something by not eating the cooked vegetables you prepared? But did you ever think that cooked vegetables may be bad for your...
Typhoon Juan Forces Us to Evacuate Marikina Monday Morning
We have been monitoring good old Pag-Asa website and see the movement of Typhoon Juan dragging its feet to 20 kph as it hits land and now moving west south west. Now my engineering angles tell me where west south west is headed and it seems it may hit...
Raising Kids on Paleo Diet, How Do You Do It?!?!
Here is a recent forum question I answered. How am I doing raising kids on paleo diet so far?...
Paleo Diet Dinner with Seared Liver, Onions, Raw Tuna and Raw Sea Urchin
Ha ha ha, my wife is out of town so I have the kids to myself. Ha ha ha, Daddy rules tonight. None of that useless rice stuff. It is a paleo diet dinner. I’ve got some beautiful beef liver, a big fresh white onion, some raw tuna sashimi...
MMR Vaccination Autism Link Upheld by US Court, Awards Family
The news report are apologists for the vaccination side. Tsk Tsk. But at least the public is made aware that vaccinations are not safe. That vaccinations may cause autism and has caused autism. For the record, I do not vaccinate my children. I think vaccinations are not needed and...