How To Use Coconut Oil For Weight Loss
Coconut oil has been used in natural healing for centuries, but did you know that coconut oil can help you lose weight? There is an ancient form of healing called Ayurveda that uses coconut oil for a wide variety of health issues, including coconut oil for weight loss....
Gained Weight on Raw Paleo Diet in 2011
I’m happy to report I achieved the weight gain I yearned for in the past 2011. I started 2011 with some tape worms and at 124 pounds. I got rid of the tape worms with a herbal parasite cleanser. That allowed me to gain some weight. When durian season...
Diet Pills Lawsuit: Acomplia by Sanofi Aventis Claimed to Make Patients Depressed and Suicidal
A report from the Daily Mail says that obese patients are filing a law suit against Sanofi Aventis for their product Acomplia diet pills where they claim made them depressed and suicidal. The government of the UK demanded that the diet pill drug Acomplia be taken off the market...
Announcing: Paleo Diet Cure Website
I would like to announce the launch of my new website . This website is meant to stress that RAW paleo diet is the basis for curing all diseases. A diet of organic raw animal food, raw fruits and select raw vegetables is the diet humans evolved on....
4 Days Only and Already Impatient to Lose Weight on Paleo Diet?
Whoa. Someone just posted about being impatient about losing weight on paleo diet. Says it’s just been 4 days and he hasn’t lost weight yet and envious about eating ice cream / frozen yogurt and cookies. It may be useful for him for me to share my experience so...