HPV Vaccine Harms Ashley Ryburn Immensely: She tells the story herself
Ashley Ryburn was a healthy young lady… until she was victimized by the HPV vaccine. She tells you her story personally. She has a video calling out to ask for help. The healers in curezone.com can help. Please take a good look at Ashley and tell your friends about...
Ancient Mythologies all tell the story of how other Planets affected our earth immensely – affected our health too
The mythologies told by ancient civilizations… their gods… were really the planets. Yes, those itsy bitsy points of light most of us cannot recognize in the evening sky were the planets the ancients were talking about. They told tall tales because those tales actually happened during their time! And...
How to Cure Tooth Decay book arrives in the mail!
Awesome! The book I ordered has arrived. How to Cure Tooth Decay by Rami Nagel. Now to get into some wife and child brainwashing action. More fats, activator x, drastically less rice. I am on a war path against this idiotic Filipino tradition of worshipping rice as a staple. ...
My high zinc diet begins with oysters and beef
I’m going on a high zinc diet because I have observed that cuts and inflammation in my body do not seem to heal fast… not fast enough for me. My theory is that zinc is a trace mineral that is very important because it is a precursor to many...
Thinking about experimenting with a high zinc diet
I noticed I’m not completely happy with the progress in my health. I’m thinking of going on a high zinc diet. Maybe execute this as soon as possible. I’m looking at consuming oysters, clams, beef, goat, liver. Try this initially for a week and see what happens. There are...
Our plumber Mang Ben’s Liver Cancer Cure Adventure progresses greatly with herbal colon cleansing
This morning, our maid was complaining about the stuck up p-trap sink in the bathroom. Time to call the old reliable plumber Mang Ben. He arrived 2 hours later. He fixed the sink, went around shopping for parts for the other toilet flush, and he fixed the leak in...
My friend’s 3 year old child undergoing speech therapy?
My best friend’s child is undergoing speech therapy. He says his boy is already 3 years old and not talking yet. What’s worse is that speech therapy sessions cost P 5,000 + per week! I had the obvious suggestion. Stop watching television. He says his son doesn’t watch television. ...