My cure protocol for my grandma’s non-walking problem
Here is my analysis and cure protocol for my grandma’s current sick condition. I stress that my grandmother is sick, not old. She is sick because bad habits have caught on with her, not age. My grandmother is a self drugging, drug junkie. She accumulates prescriptions and never sees...
My New book The Cure for All Advanced Cancers has arrived
I ordered from Amazon Dr. Hulda Clark’s book the Cure for All Advanced Cancers. This book is an extension of her more basic book, The Cure for All Cancers. She does not dwell on the old book, she assumes you have that other book. She dwells on topics for...
Grandma’s heart doctor visit, lab results, no hope given, no objective given
Just like what my grandmother did to me by abandoning her visit to my anthroposophic doctor, she also wanted to abandon her visit to her sister’s heart doctor. But her sister will not be denied and she screamed at my grandmother over the telephone. He he he, I can’t...
My grandma goes to her eye doctor, is given more drugs
Strange, my grandma called me Friday after 5pm saying she wanted me to take her Saturday morning to the UST hospital to see Dr. Noel Chua, her eye doctor. I said, yes, I am available Saturday morning for you, but I will call UST Hospital first and verify Dr....
My 3 year old girl begins parasite cleansing using Barefoot’s dewormer
This morning my girl just told me during breakfast that when she just pooped she saw 5 worms and they were moving. She described the length at some 5 inches. Now I’m the kind of parent who believes in what my children say. If a child says she saw...
I begin Barefoot Herbalist’s Kidney and Pancreas Cleanse Herbs
Since I have Barefoot’s herbs, I better start using them. The dosage for the kidney cleanse herbs is 1 full teaspoon every bedtime 6 days a week for 6 weeks. So let’s mark today Saturday night as my start. This means Friday evenings I won’t be taking this. I...
What it means to be cured forever
Recently, the cancer patient I helped last year was peeing blood again. Seems he was shy or ashamed to call up. I heard about it through rumors so I called him up directly and he said that happened 12 days ago. Uh huh… so why didn’t he call for...