Thank you for the eczemas
I would like to officially thank my eczema eruptions for their life saving work and for their red light indicator warnings pointing to the the true ailments. Problems with liver stones. Liver stones indicating deficiencies in diet. Pointing to the dangers of root canals. Dead teeth deserve to be...
Root canal removal scheduled via biodentist and predictions
Tomorrow 3pm is the big day for my root canal removal. Theory will be put to the test. My theory is supported by the recent xray showing my root canaled tooth’s root has a small cyst in the xray. My theory is that the cyst is bigger than it...
The pH miracle program for me
I’m still reading and reading the pH Miracle by Dr. Robert Young. I and the whole family have got to get into this thing. This is the key. The key to everlasting health until the day we expire. There is a lot to learn and a lot of work...
Regular exercise for lecithin formation and stop future gallstones
I need to get into a regular workout program. This should stop future gallstone formation. Give me abundant health and energy. Now that I’m healing, I can start a work out program and be well beyond my dreams....
Lecithin supplements should stop future gallstone formation
I’ve done some 14 liver flushes and by now. I feel the later gall stones were formed as a result of the alkali burn treatment using coamoxiclav antibiotics. Side effects of coamoxiclav are well documented and admitted by the manufacturers. The mechanism is coamoxiclav encourages gallstone formation, this explains...
Modified Andreas Moritz and Dr. Tam’s Miracle tea liver flush
The week prior I used supplements to tone my liver. Dandelion supplements, Milk thisle, hepatodoron, flaxseed oil, Vitamin B complex. This April 6 I concluded a modified Andreas Moritz liver flush while having consumed 1 liter of apple juice per day for 1 week. I took epsom salts at...
Emergency liver flush March 25
I made an emergency liver flush last March 25. I immediately felt skin thickening at my face, eczematic bubbles on my arm and my two formerly injured spots on my legs by the alkali burn. Upon taking pancreatin supplements, I felt relief from a terrible itch at at my...