Partial Hip Replacement Fraud! 94 Year Old Grandma Can Now Sit!
Well, well, well, our collective family efforts are paying off. What was once suspected as some sort of fracture turned out to false. What was worse was that a trusted government hospital doctor prescribed “Partial Hip Replacement” and purposely with holding the x-ray technologist reading of our 94 year...
Chronic Pressure Ulcer – Bed Sores Treatment on 94 Year Old Bed Ridden Grandmother with Sifu Jen Sam
Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers out there. Including our 94 year old grand mother who was recently bed ridden due to a bad painful hip due to a bad fall. The healer Sifu Jen Sam says a good number of relatively healthy non disease stricken elderly die...
Back Pain Cure et al: Holistic Master Acupuncturist, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kung Fu and Tai Chi Master – Caucasian, English: Sifu Sam
Sifu Sam is someone you dream about visiting and treating your entire household on a regular basis. He is a true holistic teacher and healer. Sifu means master / teacher. Sifu Sam a master at the highest levels of acupuncture with moxy plus massage plus tens machine, which he...